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NAME: Hajo Dezelski CALL: DL1SDZ email: dezelski@mailserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de packet address: DL1SDZ @ DB0PIC RIG(s): Argo II, OHR Spirit 20, homebrew ant: Windom, Magnetic Loop QRP Favorites: building, operating, backpacking, milliwatting COMMENTS: Member of G-QRP 6087 AGCW 1984 QRP ARCI 8005 NAME: Eric McFadden CALL: WD8RIF email: wmcfadde@oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu RIG(s): HW8, dipoles QRP fav: operating, portable operation comments : none NAME: Doug Heacock CALL: N0NZQ/AE email: heacock@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu RIG(s): 40m/1W homebrew, Drake TR3 QRP Favorites: Building, CW operating COMMENTS: I want to get on 30m soon... NAME: Greg Taylor CALL: KD4HZ email: g-taylor4@tamu.edu RIG: Ten Tec Argosy I (525 analog), G5RV @ 25 ft. QRP: DX, Contest COMMENTS: Thanks for volunteering to put this together. NAME: Chuck Adams CALL: K5FO email: adams@sgi.com RIG: OHR Spirit (40 & 20), A&A, Tejas, MXM, es HB QRP: Building, high speed CW >65 wpm, es antennas on 2138 acres COMMENTS: QRP ARCI 6285, MI 1084, G-QRP 7???, ...., Name: Ed Hare Call: KA1CV Rig: Modified Ten Tec Omni D Comments: 10 milliwatts! email: ehare@arrl.org NAME: Bruce Walker CALL: WT1M email: bruce@think.com RIG(s): HW-9, IC-745 turned down; wires in trees QRP Favorites: solar power, building, contesting COMMENTS: QRP list manager; QRP-NE#180, G-QRP#7671, QRP-ARCI#8179 NAME: Paul D. Blumstein CALL: KD6LAA email: Paulb@tti.com RIG(s): A&A 5W 30mtrs w/inverted-V QRP Favorites: operating COMMENTS: cowabunga NAME: Bill Kelsey CALL: N8ET ex G5CMX email: kelsey@csn.org RIG: - All the Kanga rigs - LCK, CSP, SUDDEN, OXO, ONER, etc. Kanga US NAME: Greg Lapin CALL: KD9AZ email: glapin@nwu.edu RIG: Homebrew Tribander Xcvr, 2-4 watts out (12-15-18 M bands) QRP Favorites: Homebrewing Comments: Interested in anyone using unusual portable operation, such as one ham I talked to who was using an antenna on a kite. NAME: Clark S. Turner CALL: WA3JPG email: turner@ics.uci.edu RIG(s): Argo 509 and wire antennas, various QRO rigs tweaked down.... QRP Favorites: SSB ragchew and DX, backpacking COMMENTS: Zuni Loop QRP mountain expeditionary force on field day! NAME:Jeff M. Gold CALL:AC4HF email:JMG@tntech.edu RIG(s): Yaesu 757 (will go to 1 milliwatt), MFJ 20, Heath HW(, Oak HIll 30 meter DC, MXM 40 meter QRP Favorites: building, operating, backpacking, mobile COMMENT: Hi Chuck, how are you doing. I just finished the W9Gr DSP suring the snow storm here(18 inches) NAME: Jim Price CALL: K6ZH email: price@nosc.mil RIG(s): Ten-Tec Argonaut (early one) with TH-3, dipoles QRP Favorites: DXing, contests COMMENTS: Getting close to 200 countries worked. Have several contest awards for QRP operation--especially Sweepstakes. Also run TS-430S for "QRO" operation. NAME: Monte "Ron" Stark CALL: KU7Y email: mswmod@nimbus.sage.unr.edu RIG: FT101EE, runs very stable at the 4 to 5 watt level. TunaTin sender, 250 mw. Just have G5RV up about 15 feet now. Will get the tribander up this spring. Also more phased verticals for 40. QRP Favorites: Contesting, WPX etc, single band. And DXing. COMMENTS: I would just be interested in seeing what others are up to. Been thinking about building a small rig. But time, time etc... Like to know more about some of the qrp groups that are around. Good luck, Ron NAME: DAVID STOCKTON CALL: GM4ZNX email address: dstock@hpqmoca.sqf.hp.com RIG(s): IC765 mod for QRP, various homebrew protos QRP Favorites: Building , writing for SPRAT COMMENTS: Member of G-QRP, QRP-ARCI, OK-QRP also Dunfermline Radio society, RSGB, Denby Dale ARS. NAME: Jeff Jones CALL: AB6MB email: jeffj@seeker.mystic.com RIG(s): Swan with power turned down to 1 or 5 watts. QRP Favorites: Learning the in and outs of building QRP gear. COMMENTS: Like talking about building QRP gear, like thrill of QRP contacts. NAME: Gary M. Diana, Sr. CALL: N2JGU email: diana@sneaks.kodak.com RIG(s): Homebrew 40m cw: "The Ugly Weekender" and Oak Hills Research: 40m cw "Optimized W7EL Rig" QRP Favorites: (From most to least): building, operating. COMMENTS: Have all W1FB's QRP books, member QRP ARCI & M-QRP NAME: Pete Hardie CALL: VE5VA email address: hardie@herald.usask.ca RIG(s): IC-735 with ALC mode for QRP, 2-el GemQuad. QRP Favorites: DXing/contesting with <1W COMMENTS: Need 2 states (MT, ND) for 2-way QRP WAS, have 112 countries confirmed and worked and need to do the paperwork for at least a dozen more. Name : Ken (Kalman) Laudon Call : WD6CZI email: klaudon@pica.army.mil Rig : none yet QRP Favorites: wire antennas, low RFI to house alarm system Comments : QTH Rockland County, NY NAME: Kevin Purcell CALL: N7WIM / G8UDP email address: a-kevinp@microsoft.com RIG(s): Argo 505, HW-7 (modified), HW-8, R4B (as RX for HB rigs) QRP Favorites: modifying, antennas, operating (motivation for 20wpm CW!), unusual modes (RTTY, Amtor, Pactor, Clover, Packet, SSTV), VHF/UHF, satellite, building (again) COMMENTS: member of NW QRP, MI QRP, G-QRP, QRP ARCI and ARRL NAME: Ron Melton CALL: N7NIQ email address: rb_melton@pnl.gov RIG(s): HW-8 with a few mods, vertical antenna, some completed but not working kits... QRP Favorites: building and operating COMMENTS: There are several of us in the area who are interested in QRP NAME: Daniel Blakley CALL: KB6MHN email address: danbl@arcturis.cna.tek.com RIGS: HB QRP Favorites: homebrewing NAME: Mike Beezley CALL: N5PWP email: MBeez.HoustonCSSC@Xerox.COM RIG(s): Radio Shack HTX100, Ramsey QRP40 QRP Favorites: Building and operating COMMENTS:Working on WAS on 5W SSB on 10M NAME: Alan Barrow CALL: km4ba email: jab@atl.hp.com RIG(s): JRC JSB-10 75/40m 10w SSB, Dentron MLX 75m 25w, Swan 40m 25w QRP Favorites: Camping portable operation, mobile HF low pwr COMMENTS: Like SSB portable/mobile, some HT sized CW HF interest Name: James R. Johns (Jim) Call: KA0IQT email: jrjohns@mitre.org Rigs: HW-7, HW-8, K9AY, MFJ 9040, Homebrew rigs QRP Interests: Homebrew TX, RX, XCVR; DX Comments: Member QRP-ARCI, NE-QRP, MI-QRP, G-QRP NAME: Ed Kleckner CALL: N7YQR email: ew_kleckner@npl.gov packet address: N7YQR@WA7EAQ.WA.USA.NA RIG(S): Oak Hills 40 mtr w/keyer chip added, Omni VI (pwr turned dn) antennas are dipoles, etc. QRP fav: operating, portable op, building (SOME...) COMMENTS: New to qrp. plan on converting OH rig to 30 mtrs soon. (I like that band!) NAME CALL email RIG COMMENTS Ken Hopper N9VV Ken.Hopper@Central.Sun.COM Corsair-II aspiring QRP'er NAME: Jim Speer CALL: K5YUT email address: f_speerjr@ccsvax.sfasu.edu RIG(s): MFJ 30m xcvr, HW8 (presently on the bench); presently using dipoles, but plan phased array of verticals on 30 QRP Favorites: reg chew, informal DX COMMENTS: I'm new to QRP, but it's the only gear I have on the air at present. Plan to specialize in 30 m for some time to come. Also interested in "antique" gear (i.e., the stuff I grew up with). NAME: John Welch and Vikki Welch CALL: N9JZW (john) and WV9K (vikki) email: jjw@precipice.chi.il.us (john) and (currently) wv9k!vikki@mathcs.emory.edu RIG(s): John: TW-1 DDS QRP hf, SBE-6 6m ssb, Kenwood TR-751A 2m ssb, Alinco DJ-580 2m/440 fm Vikki: Yaesu 747 hf, Alinco DJ-580 2m/440 fm QRP Favorites: <building, operating, backpacking, .... > John: designing, building, ragchewing on ssb Vikki: cw, operating, ragchewing on ssb COMMENTS: <like local groups who get together, newsletters, .... > John: member NEIQS, designed TW-1 DDS QRP xmitter Vikki: member NEIQS, likes local get-togethers NAME: Kevin Feeney WB2EMS fkf1@cornell.edu Rig(s) Ten-Tec Argosy, HW-8 QRP favorites - modifying the critters, camping with them, QRP RTTY, solar power Comments - interested in learning about newsletters and clubs. Jim Kearman KR1S jkearman@arrl.org Ten Tec Argosy II, homebrew CW, 40 meters NAME: Igor Dorovskoi CALL: UA3QRZ email address: post@jsbvru.voronezh.su RIG(s): RA3AO 10w out (home made) QRP Favorites: operating CW COMMENTS: 80mtr, 15mtr Delta Loop NAME: Dan Curtin CALL: KF4AV EMAIL: curtin@nkuvax.BITNET QRP RIG(s): Homebrew TXs (usually in progress!), IC-730, Mini-Quad, various wire things QRP Favorites: building, reading about circuits COMMENTS:new to QRP, amost 100% CW Name: Fred Cady Call: KE7X QRP Rigs: homebrew, TS-940 turned down QRP Activities: Contesting, building NAME: Tom Schomburg CALL: N0MCX EMAIL: tomschom@csn.org, tschomburg@cudnvr.denver.colorado.edu QRP RIG(s): IC-735 at 3 watts, various homebrew xtal xmtrs QRP Favorites: experimenting, building simple transmitters COMMENTS: am interested but pretty new to QRP -- fun NAME: Bob Ross CALL: WA2MFI QRP RIG: HW-8 QRP FAVORITES: Battery/Solar power, wire antennas, backpacking NAME: Jim Fitton CALL: W1FMR EMAIL: mvubr!mvjf@att.com QRP RIG(s): HW-9,8 Argo509, Argosy, Cent21, PM1-3, Dentron75m Howes20m. QRP Favorites: QRP-NE, HB, mods, solar, wire ants, DX, contests, nets COMMENTS: also: Like FD, meeting QRPers, Dayton, W1AW/QRP, portable opr. NAME: Larry Keith CALL: KQ4BY EMAIL: lakeith@wrdis01.robins.af.mil QRP RIG(s): Robbery Shack HTX ??? 10m rig. QRP Favorites: building/modifying,wire antennas, hamfests, antenna tuners....Old stuff. COMMENTS: newbie to QRP. Just moved the shack (new QTH) and nothing is hooked up, yet! Have to get out the bow and arrows to get the dipoles back in the air. NAME: Douglas Datwyler (Doug) CALL: WR7O EMAIL: datwyler@moons.sim.es.com QRP RIG(s): HW-9 (not functioning), IC-735 turned down; 1/2 G5RV QRP Favorites: general interest COMMENTS: newb to QRP NAME: Warren E. Lewis CALL: KD4YRN EMAIL: saswel@unx.sas.com QRP RIG(s): TS-820 turned down; 40 meter dipole in the trees QRP Favorites: COMMENTS: Running QRP to avoid RFI with close proximity neighbors. Would like to build a QRP rig for camping/sailing trips. NAME: Mike Strong CALL: KT5H EMAIL: mstrong@micro.ti.com QRP RIG(s): Old Argonaut 505, Cushcraft Vertical mounted on the ground QRP Favorites: wire antennas, contesting COMMENTS: Just got back into QRP. I did some of the field testing on the HW-7 for Heath, and had a blast. Never really lost the QRP bug, and just recently got back into it. Highest power rig I own now is a 2m talkie (5W out)! NAME: Bob Okas CALL: N3MBY EMAIL: okas_rp%ncsd.dnet@gte.com QRP RIG(s): none (yet) QRP Favorites: building from scratch, assembling kits, CW, SSB. COMMENTS: QRP newbie NAME: David Severson CALL: N5QIW EMAIL: David_Severson@ccis.baylor.edu QRP rigs(s): IC-728 turned down, low dipole QRP Favorites: Beginners stuff- first power supply, solar charger COMMENTS: Working on code speed. Name: Mike McGann CALL(s): AA2AY, HB9GAU EMAIL: mwm@hasler.ascom.ch QRP RIG(S): TEN-TEC ARGOSY, MFJ 20m, A&A 20M, Radio Shack 10m QRP Favorites: Mountain topping, wire antennas, contesting COMMENTS: Forced by circumstances to develop interest in minimum space antennas, possibly magnetic NAME: Rick Tavan CALL: N6XI EMAIL: tavan@tss.com QRP RIG(s): K9AY with home station tribander, R5 vacation vert or 20m dipole for backpacking use QRP Favorites: backpacking, DXing COMMENTS: New to QRP but it has renewed my interest in casual hamming. Used to be a contester but time commitments prohibit serious activity in that area these days. NAME: Jim Osburn CALL: WD9EYB EMAIL: jpo@acd4.acd.com QRP RIG: HW-8, Ramsey Kit 20 M xmtr, HR-1680 rcvr QRP FAVORITES: I would like to build a 40 M rig COMMENTS: See QRP logging program for HP48SX in November 1992 QST Name: Randy Rand Call: AA2U E-Mail: rrand@PICA.ARMY.MIL QRP Rigs: Argonaut 505,509 and TS940 with power turned down. QRP favorites: DXing and contesting. Operation with less than 1 watt of power. Active on all bands 160m - 2m and 222 & 432 Mhz with QRP. NAME: Mike Butts CALL: KC7IT EMAIL: mbutts@qcktrn.com QRP RIG(s): none yet QRP Favorites: The R2, etc. series from QST has be most interested - I plan to build and use soon. Modern single-signal phasing designs (rcvr, SSB xmtr) are of interest. COMMENTS: newbie to QRP NAME: Thomas Jennings CALL: KV2X EMAIL: Jennings@abb.com QRP RIGS(s): none yet but hopefully soon QRP Favorites: DX, contest, ragchew COMMENTS: Before my hf rig bit the dust I would reduce power to about 10 watts and still had a good signal report! Who needs all that power! Name: Sherm Lovell Call: WY7F EMAIL: slovell@u.washington.edu RIGS: A bunch of homebrew stuff: W7EL "Optimized qrp xcvr", cubic incher, weird hybrid dysfunctional 20 M rig "my very own design!", others... QRP Favorites:Building stuff, antennas, digital??? Comments: The election day storm here blew down the antenna, my portabel er, portable rig died on the Hawaiian vacation, and I'm too busy with other stuff to play w/ my ham toys for a while... Bummer! Ham 4 years, qrp only -- qro makes everyone else in the apt house mad?!. Name: Doug Hendricks Call: KI6DS EMAIL: dh@csustan.edu QRP RIGS: HW-7, HW-8, W7EL, Icom 735 turned down, various hb rigs QRP Favorites: building, operating, collecting qrp articles COMMENTS: I have reprints of back issues of QRP Quarterly available bound in 1 year sets @ $10 per year plus $3 postage per order. I have 1985 - 92, available and will offer the complete set, 8 issues, for $73. Send email for more info. NAME: Stan Witherspoon CALL: N6SCE EMAIL: stan@hprpcd.rose.hp.com QRP RIG(s): HW-7 with old QST mods. Dipole in attic. QRP Favorites: building/modifying, solar power COMMENTS: newbie to QRP Name: Howard Lester Call: KE7QJ email: hlester@as.arizona.edu QRP rig: IC-735 turned down to about 10 watts (sometimes it goes a bit lower) QRP favorites: I don't play favorites :) Comments: QRP'ers seem to be more regular in QSL'ing. And, they most often provide SASE's! I just like letting QRP'ers know they're getting out, and, in a QRP QSO we tend to tolerate weak signals more than we do when running higher power. Name: John Paul Braud Call: KA1RCV Email: jpb@ll.mit.edu Rig: Drake TR-7 QRP Favorites: homebrewing, DC receivers, CW, portable gear NAME: Dave Williams CALL: NN2D EMAIL: williams@pacevm.bitnet (We get directly on Internet in a month.) QRP RIG(s): HW-9, Argonaut II on order; antennas in attic QRP Favorites: DX (and it doesn't have to be rare DX) COMMENTS: Coming FCC rf exposure standards may result in a QRP boom(?) Name Rob Ontiveros Email RONTIVER@SCENG.UB.COM QRP interested in mod for IC-735, homebrew 40 mtr vertical QRP Interests homebrewing xcvrs and antennas NAME: Bob Scott CALL: AC4QO EMAIL: Bob_Scott@CPQM.SAIC.COM QRP RIG(s): Just turn down the Yaesu FT890. QRP Favorites: learning and playing. COMMENTS: new to this aspect of the hobby. NAME: Brad Mitchell CALL: WB8YGG email: bmitchel@kodak.com RIG(s): Commercial:Kenwoood TS-520 TX-Homebrew:Qubic Incher for 80 meters, Ramsey for 30 Rx-Homebrew:Sudden for 80 and 30 meters. Name Rick Penc Call WK2A QRP Favorites: I'm having a blast building again with QRP. Also my cw has been re-born, as well as my interest in amateur radio in general with QRP. COMMENTS: I was licensed in 1974 or so? as WN8YGG Swartz Creek, Michigan. QRP Favorites: building, designing and modifying circuits, fabricating enclosures and circuit boards, backpacking & CW operating QRP RIG(S): Currrently Yaesu FT-757 (which can operate QRP), Yaesu FT-690R 6m, 2.5 watts) FAVORITE BANDS: 80,40,15,10 and 6 meters COMMENTS: Currently am working on PhD in Meteorology, working with radar wind profilers so time is at a premium. Expect to finish in a year. Would eventually like to become active working on a multiband replacement for the HW-9 and OLD Argonaut (without all the bells and whistles). Primary interest is in building and modifying. Have been interested in QRP before becoming licensed (in mid 1970's). Recently rekindled interest in the topic. NAME: Dennis Blanchard CALL: K1YPP EMAIL: blanchard@nac.enet.dec.com QRP RIG(s): HW-9, several homebrew. Triband beam and wires. QRP Favorites: Bringing QRP on motorcycle trips for camping. Comments: Enjoy Homebrewing NAME: Douglas D. Quagliana CALL: KA2UPW EMAIL: dquagliana@attmail.com QRP RIG(s): Ramsey kit; Others still being built ( 80/40 Explorer from "73" ) QRP Favorites: building, solar power, miniature rigs COMMENTS: I'm just getting started in QRP NAME: Ralph Irons CALL: AA6UL EMAIL: rirons@eis.calstate.edu QRP RIG(s): FT-290II; oak hills & ramsey kits QRP Favorites: kits, satellites, field day NAME: Kevin Anderson CALL: on the way -- just passed Novice exam (9/29/93) - should be KB9xxx EMAIL: gganderson@augustana.edu QRP RIG(s): have none -- someday QRP Favorites: COMMENTS: newbie to QRP/ham radio -- generally interested in low power options NAME: Thomas Farish CALL: KJ5LT EMAIL: tjf@beta.lanl.gov QRP RIGS: MFJ 20m, Homebrew 40m (from _QRP Classics_), TS-820s turned down QRP Favorites: Building, wire antennas COMMENTS: New to Ham Radio and QRP (licensed 1/31/93, upgraded in May) NAME: Myron China CALL: working on it EMAIL: mchina@nrel.gov QRP RIG(s): still looking. COMMENTS: newbie to ham radio. NAME: John Woods CALL: WB7EEL EMAIL: jfw@ksr.com QRP RIG(s): several hand-built rigs QRP Favorites: building/modifying COMMENTS: not active at the moment, but hoping to move soon and become active Name: Jay Freeman Call: WT9S QRP rigs: none yet, looking to build a good kit QRP interests: primarily portable/camping operation Comments: new to QRP NAME: Swami Kumaresan CALL: KB1AMB/AA EMAIL: swamik@orca.ele.uri.edu QRP RIG(s): MFJ 9020, homebrew QRP Favorites: CW on 20m, building qrp cw rigs COMMENTS: new to QRP` NAME: Andrew Comas CALL: KF2JH EMAIL: comas@nyo.dec.com QRP RIG(s): MFJ-9040, QRP Plus (on order) QRP Favorites: building/modifying COMMENTS: (very) newbie to QRP Interested in learning about: portable solar power (panels, controllers bat.) portable antennas. NAME: Frank Martin CALL: N3NMP EMAIL: fgm@immacc.prepnet.com QRP RIG(S): none QRP FAVORITES: building/cw/QSOs/QSLs COMMENTS: Lurking and trying to decide about QRP operation. NAME: Bob Schreibmaier CALL: K2PH EMAIL: bob@mtdcr.att.com QRP RIG(s): None yet QRP Favorites: DXing COMMENTS: I'm new to QRP NAME: Bob Fairbairn CALL: KF9OA EMAIL: bobfa@comm.mot.com QRP RIG(s): TS-130, FT-890AT on the way QRP Favorites: solar power, innovative antennas COMMENTS: newbie to QRP NAME: John Bate CALL: KI7HS EMAIL: john.bate@columbiasc.ncr.com QRP RIG(s): Building it now, QST Jan 93, QRP Favorites: homebrew, portable, mobile COMMENTS: This is was amateur radio was like when I was young! NAME: Bob Lockwood CALL: N4AHB EMAIL: rjl3f@virginia.edu QRP RIG(s): HW-8, OHR Sprint 30 QRP Favorites: building, receiving QSL cards COMMENTS: new to QRP NAME: Joe Gervais CALL: KD6PRD/AG EMAIL: jgervais@ucsd.edu QRP RIG(s): Heathkit SB-101 (turned down), MFJ 9020; Raised helically-wound vertical QRP Favorites: Remote operation (mountain tops), low profile hamming COMMENTS: QRP newbie, want to get into homebrewing rigs NAME: Greg Milligan CALL: G1CPU EMAIL: psafj@csv.warwick.ac.uk QRP RIG(s): ft480R, TR2400, B28 (rx) QRP Favorites: RTTY, Indoor antenna's, computer related stuff COMMENTS: newbie to QRP NAME: Dave Redfearn CALL: N4ELM EMAIL: cmwdr01@nt.com QRP RIGS: TEN-TEC Paragon, TEN-TEC Scout, MFJ 9020 (all subject to change :-) ) ANTENNA: 102 ft dipole up 60 Ft fed with ladder line & Johnson Matchbox. QRP Favorites: building/modifying, antennas. COMMENTS: newbie to Internet, 13 years QRPing, mostly HF CW some AMTOR & RTTY. NAME: Charlie Kuhn CALL: N9NVV EMAIL: Charlie.Kuhn@f107.n2230.z1.fidonet.org QRP RIG: HW-8 QRP Favorites:Solar Power,CW COMMENTS: New to QRP Name: Tim Austin Call: K4kvk e-mail: "Austin@Grove.iup.edu" qrp rig: homebrew with antique parts favorites: trying to restore 1930s &40s style small power xmitters/vfos NAME: Michael Wyman CALL: WB1CWD EMAIL: Michael_D_Wyman@ccm.hf.intel.com QRP Rigs: TS 50 (set to 4 watts) and a Ten Tec Argonaut 505 QRP Favorites: Antennas, Solar power, emergency communications Comments: I would like to speak to others who have the 505. NAME: John D> Hysell CALL: N2VTK EMAIL: hysell@kodak.com QRP RIG: homebrew (Spider 80M, Cubic-Incher 40M) QRP Favorites: Building, Solar power, signal processing COMMENTS: newbie alert! NAME: Patrick Franzis CALL: N1OCJ EMAIL: franzis@evax.gdc.com QRP RIGS: None (currently building from scratch) QRP Just about anything. Comments: I am new to Ham radio as well as QRP (just got my Gen. License) NAME: Brian Cieslak CALL: AE9K EMAIL cieslak@cgc9.eda.mke.ab.com QRP RIGS: HW-8, TS430 turned down, AP8A vertical QRP Favorites: DX, Contesting (especially FD) Comments: ARCI QRP# 4641 NAME: Rand Gray CALL: W1GXN EMAIL: rand@zeta.sps.mot.com QRP Rig: Ten-Tec Argonaut I & various wire antennas QRP Favorites: construction, especially receivers; antennas COMMENTS: QRP operation since 1962 NAME: David E. Baker CALL: AB5PI EMAIL: debaker@bnr.ca QRP RIG(s): TS-950SD turned down; long wire, loop antennas QRP Favorites: building/modifying, wire & loop antennas, CW COMMENTS: newbie to QRP NAME: Barry L. Ornitz CALL: WA4VZQ EMAIL: ornitz@kodak.com QRP RIG(s): assorted homebrew xmtrs; TS-440 into an attenuator QRP Favorites: wire antennas, antenna tuners, instrumentation COMMENTS: I particularly enjoy antenna design and electromagnetic modelling. NAME: Thang Le CALL: AA6SV EMAIL: tl@hprnd.rose.hp.com QRP RIG(s): None at this time QRP Favorites: building/modifying HF equipments, antennas, portable HF rigs COMMENTS: NAME: Kenneth E. Nawyn CALL: Currently not licensed EMAIL: ken@nynexst.com QRP RIG(S): none QRP Favorites: COMMENTS: newbie working on license NAME: Bruce Lifter CALL: KR4AQ EMAIL: blifter@ccd.harris.com QRP RIG(s): in progress QRP Favorites: building kits COMMENTS: newbie to Amateur Radio NAME: Richard Neindorff CALL: WB2RAR EMAIL: neindorf@princeton.edu QRP RIG(s): MFJ-9020, MFJ-9040; Hustler 5BTV, wire dipoles QRP Favorites: portable operation, solar and battery power, wire antennas COMMENTS: QRP ARCI #7752, G-QRP Club #7364, homebrew accessories NAME: Bob Berlyn CALL: N1PWU EMAIL: Bob.Berlyn@Chowda.sbs.com QRP Rig(s): Home Brew 40 Mtr - Xtl control w/dc rec. 30 Mtr home brew is in the works. QRP FAVORITES: Home Brewing, trying to teach my self electronics, and W1FB projects. COMMENTS: New ham, first lic in March of 93, General Class Ticket, love QRP. Name: Sandy Lynch Call: WA6BXH (also 7J1ABV in Tokyo) Rig: For QRP: Japan Radio Corp. Model JST-10 40/15m SSB/CW rig with built-in battery pack for 1/10 watt operation. Built around 1988. Occasionally use my FT-1000D and/or FT-757GX/II running QRP. Ant: R5 vertical (for now). NAME: Geoff Fox CALL: WA1U EMAIL: FOXG@WCSUB.CTSTATEU.EDU QRP RIG: OHR HP QRP TRANSCEIVER (W7EL type), G5RV up 65 feet QRP favorites: building, wire antennas, computer assisted operating, qrp dx NAME: Jerry Kaidor CALL: KF6VB EMAIL: jerry@tr2.com QRP RIG(s): None at the moment QRP Favorites: Equipment construction COMMENTS: NAME: Duane Mantick CALL: WB9OMC EMAIL: wb9omc@harbor.ecn.purdue.edu QRP RIG: Uniden HR2510 that outputs between 5 and 10 watts QRP Favorites: contesting (masochistically) and snagging DX COMMENTS: I do 10-10 QRP. Name: Karen A. Butler Call: ad4jl Email: butler@geosim.msfc.nasa.gov Comments: new ham - would like to know more about QRP NAME: Ken Harker CALL: N1PVB EMAIL: kharker@bnr.ca (kenneth.harker@dartmouth.edu starting in January) QRP RIG(s): None yet QRP Favorites: Interested in being portable and rugged COMMENTS: newbie to QRP NAME: Eric Grabowski CALL: WA8HEB EMAIL: al838@cleveland.freenet.edu QRP RIG(s): TRC-453 (10 meter ssb); 3/2 wave wire; TA-33 beam QRP Favorites: building equipment (especially receivers) and antennas COMMENTS: current project is 40 meter QRP transceiver NAME: Patrick S.H. Ong CALL: got my CSCE & waiting for my Technician no-code licence EMAIL: ong@adobe.com QRP RIG(s): none. i have a solar panel & a ICOM R71A receiver that i inherited from a friend. Still shopping around for a QRP rig or a simple design that i can build. Any recommendations appreciated. QRP Favorites: building/modifying, solar power, wire antennas COMMENTS: newbie to QRP NAME: Karl Heinz Kremer CALL: none - but i'm working on it EMAIL: khk@raster.kodak.com QRP RIG(s): nothing so far - but i'm working on it QRP Favorites: building COMMENTS: newbie to QRP NAME: John Fowler CALL: AA5HR EMAIL: jxf@lanl.gov QRP RIG(s): Ten-Tec Omni A turned down; 30M vertical on pole QRP Favorites: none (newbie) COMMENTS: newbie to QRP -- would like to work 30M through the sunspot cycle bottom -- maybe build/buy a 30M portable rig -- worked 4K1F on 5 W and got hooked NAME: Paul Adler CALL: KW1L EMAIL: Paul_Adler.NER-OSM@XEROX.COM QRP RIG: Kenwood TS-950SD turned down COMMENTS: New to the QRP world NAME: Eric Bates CALL: AA8MD EMAIL: jz560c@hqs.mid.gmeds.com QRP RIG(s): homebrew whatever QRP Favorites: building/modifying, wire antennas, contesting, projects/design COMMENTS: none ... yet Name: Sherman Lovell Call: WY7F Email: slovell@u.washington.edu QRP Rigs: W7EL Optimized QRP transceiver (40 meter), 20 Meter homebrew Super het what gots devils in it -- will exorcise someday, Cubic Incher, DSB add- on for the W7EL, lots of other junk. QRP Favorites: Building/designing, Portable operation with end-fed half and gel cell Comments: Only 10 states to go for WAS QRP.... NAME: Jan A. Heise CALL: WA4VQD EMAIL: jheise@ic1d.harris.com QRP RIGS: HW-8, TS-440S reduced power ANTENNAS: 3 element yagi, Butternut vertical and wire antennas QRP Favorites: contesting, portable operation, antenna experiments COMMENTS: QRP forces me to keep up my CW - a challenge NAME: Dave Shalita CALL: W6MIK EMAIL: D.R._Shalita.ES_AE@xerox.com QRP RIG(s): None yet, plan to build soon QRP Favorites: building/modifying, low cost test equip and test methods, making own pwboards at home, low cost CAD software low cost RF Design Software, Smith Chart COMMENTS: newbie to QRP NAME: TERRY MURPHY CALL: AB4VJ EMAIL: TERRY.MURPHY@LAUNCHPAD.UNC.EDU QRP RIG(S): HT40/ASSORTED HOME BREW QRP FAVORITES: WIRE ANTENNAS, DXING COMMENTS: VERY INTERESTED IN HALLICRAFTER AND BOAT ANCHORS NAME: Richard Urmonas CALL: VK3DRU EMAIL: richard@durian.dnd.icp.nec.com.au QRP RIGS: None at present QRP Favorites: QRPp, small simple Rx/Tx COMMENTS: Off air for many years, trying to find time etc. to get back on. Name: Bill FInch Call: KF9KI Email: wrfin@prairienet.org QRP rigs: HTX-100, wire dipole Comment: Exploring QRP right now, interested in design/construction Name:Renee Pauls Call:N3PWC Email:<rpauls@strauss.udel.edu> Comments: interested in learning more about QRP. NAME: Ted Webb Call: AC4CS EMail: TWebb@clemsonSC.NCR.COM QRP RIGS(s): None at present but lots of wires Interests: building small projects, designing operating aids, antennas, chasing DX Comments: New to QRP - looking for starter projects for portable operation NAME: Ted Kell CALL: KC5CUW EMAIL: kell@lark.jsc.nasa.gov QRP RIG: Transmitter - Ryan Communications SW1A-40M 2-1/2 watt @ 16 volts Receiver - SONY ICD_2010 World Band Receiver Antenna - Working on a 40M Dipole Etc. - Looking at some kits from 624 Kits QRP FAVORITES Not sure just yet. COMMENTS: New HAM. QRP Seems to be a way to have fun without bothering my neighbors. NAME: Dan Trainor CALL: KB1JX EMAIL: dpt@cadre.com QRP RIG(s): Ten-Tec Century 22 turned down, dipole in attic QRP Favorites: CW, operating in the small, wire antennas, digging weak CW signals out of the noise... COMMENTS: Interested in ideas for lightweight rigs that could be packed up a mountain. Name: Steve Hawkins Call: WV6U Email: sjhawk2@srv.pacbell.com Qrp Rigs: HW-8, 950s w/pwr turned down; ant is 5-BTV Vert. QRP Favorites: solar power, portable use (camping), Comments: Started out QRP, keep going back to it. Name: Tom Nguyen Call: AD4NA Email: nguyent@snowmass.ksc.nasa.gov Qrp Rigs: not working yet homebuilt from Handbook 40m; ant: dipole/3-ele tribander QRP Favorites: solar power is nice, anything I can build myself Comments: new to QRP world NAME: Jim Morgan CALL: WX4D EMAIL: jvm@aluxpo.att.com QRP RIG(s): Neophyte Rx (40 m); no QRP Tx yet... QRP Favorites: building/modifying, CW, wire antennas, small transmitting loops, ... COMMENTS: ex-WB4QEB NAME: Joe Steuver CALL: KA9MIX EMAIL: ka9mix@binar.aamrl.wpafb.af.mil (for ham stuff) jws@binar.aamrl.wpafb.af.mil (for all other) Compuserve: 76214,410 QRP RIG: Ramsey 40m transmitter kit, Realistic DX400 (?) Receiver, Dipole QRP Interests: Solar Power, Portable Operation COMMENT: New to QRP, Since August 1993 Name: Ed Stiles Call: WA7P Email: stiles.ad@master.engr.arizona.edu QRP rigs: Homebrew station with 1.8-watt VXO xmtr, souped up Neophyte rcvr, TR box with sidetone, amp that boosts power to about 10 watts when needed. Also QRP station in index card box: Neophyte Rcvr, VXO xmtr that puts out anywhere from 1/4 to 5 watts, active audio filter, TR circuitry and SWR meter. QRP favorites: Homebrewing and working other QRP stations. Comments: Would like to get information on building a simple superhet receiver with readily available parts. All the receivers I have built have been direct conversion. NAME: Tony Lyon CALL: KB5ZYA EMAIL: tonyl@sol-tx.sps.mot.com QRP RIG: A & A Engineering 40mtr xcvr. Currently building a 40 mtr xcvr kit (sold by: Bruce Williams WA6IVC) QRP favorite activity: building/modifying COMMENTS: Currently licensed as "Advanced". Trying to get speed up to 20wpm. Started ~4 months ago as a Tech Plus. NAME: Kari Sillanmaki CALL: OH6BZ EMAIL: vsasilka@vsalisa.fin.kemira.com QRP RIG(s): Under construction QRP Favorites: building COMMENTS: Save energy - work QRP! Neme: Rick Robinson Call: KF4AR Email: rerobins@unccsun.uncc.edu QRP Rig(s): 8 band HW9, TenTec Argosy on low power QRP Favorites: build/modify, solar energy, rag chewing, QRP SSB Comments: 45 yrs. old, ham since 1963 ex WA4MSD, QRP since 1966, QRPARCI 5553 I'm also an SWL, BCB & LW DXer. Receivers include Drake 2B, R8 and Sony 2010. I'm into building loop antennas for BCB and LW. Name: Matthew Trail Call: KN6CR Email: mtrail@violet.berkeley.edu QRP rigs: none yet, probably mfj 9040 QRP favorites: interested in portable operation Comments: new to this NAME: Alan J. Hicks CALL: KD1DJ EMAIL: hicks.alan@epamail.epa.gov ALKD1DJ@aol.com QRP RIG(s): TEN-TEC OMNI-A turned down; Ramsey 40-meter; BIG dipole with open wire feed. QRP favorites: wire antennas; kit building NAME: L. Wm. "Red" Taylor CALL: AC4QX EMAIL: taylor@osl.csc.ncsu.edu or taylor@adm.csc.ncsu.edu QRP RIG(s): OHR QRP40, A&A Eng (Breed) 30M, Argosy 525, 40M Dipole, G5RV QRP Favorites: Building, QRP Nets, Contesting COMMENTS: Portable at Lake Gaston, Warren County, NC most weekends in spring, summer & fall NAME:Steve Kubisch CALL:WW7Y EMAIL: kub@upl.com QRP RIGS: Tejas Backpacker II 30m, NorCal 40 (in production), dipoles QRP Favorites: Homebrew, Antenna experimenting COMMENTS: NAME: Daniel CALL: 9V???? EMAIL: asirene@ntuvax.ntu.ac.sg QRP RIG: Homemade 6 watter and 20 meter dipole on roof QRP Favourites: building/modifying, kits, wire antennas, DX QSO's, VFO designs etc. COMMENTS: NAME: Alan J. Hicks CALL: KD1DJ EMAIL: hicks.alan@epamail.epa.gov ALKD1DJ@aol.com QRP RIG(s): TEN-TEC OMNI-A turned down; Ramsey 40-meter; BIG dipole with open wire feed. QRP favorites: wire antennas; kit building NAME: L. Wm. "Red" Taylor CALL: AC4QX EMAIL: taylor@osl.csc.ncsu.edu or taylor@adm.csc.ncsu.edu QRP RIG(s): OHR QRP40, A&A Eng (Breed) 30M, Argosy 525, 40M Dipole, G5RV QRP Favorites: Building, QRP Nets, Contesting COMMENTS: Portable at Lake Gaston, Warren County, NC most weekends in spring, summer & fall NAME: Sandy Lynch CALL: WA6BXH - 7J1ABV EMAIL: slay@netcom.com QRP RIG: JST-10 (by JRC) 40/15 CW/SSB 1/10 watt battery-powered xcvr. QRP Favorites: CW DXing (made WAC from Japan) COMMENTS: Any body else have one of these circa 1988 JST-10 rigs? NAME: Jeff Logullo CALL: N0MII EMAIL: logullo@applelink.apple.com QRP RIG(s): Kenwood TS-450; Backpacker II (in progress); other junkbox specials QRP Favorites: building and the associated learning (I still have a lot to learn when it comes to resonant circuits!); building antennas. COMMENTS: I'm pretty new to the QRP world. I belong to the St. Louis QRP Society, which is a GREAT organization. We exchange newsletters with other QRP clubs, so if you haven't seen ours let me know. I am a CE with Apple Computer, and of course I use computers with the hobby. QRP packet with homebrew gear? Not yet... but we'll see! NAME: George Dobbs CALL: G3RJV EMAIL: g3rjv@gqrp.demon.co.uk QRP RIG[S]: Argo 509, Modified HW7, Modified HW8, The Whole PM series, Lots of Homebrew etc. QRP FAVOURITES: Building equipment COMMENTS: Founder/Secretary of G QRP Club QRP Columnist for Radio Communication Contributor to Practical Wireless Contributer to DIY Radio NAME: Cameron C.R. Bailey CALL: KT3A EMAIL: C=BAILEY%IS%211EIS@ANG193FS.ang.af.mil QRP RIGS: IC-726 5 watts, NorCal 40. QRP Favorites: Homebrew, portable operations, solar/natural power. COMMENTS: Member - ARCI, NorCal, QRP Society of Central Pennsylvania. NAME: Cameron C.R. Bailey CALL: KT3A EMAIL: C=BAILEY%IS%211EIS@ANG193FS.ang.af.mil QRP RIGS: IC-726 5 watts, NorCal 40. QRP Favorites: Homebrew, portable operations, solar/natural power. COMMENTS: Member - ARCI, NorCal, QRP Society of Central Pennsylvania. NAME: Kristinn Andersen CALL: TF3KX EMAIL: kiddi@marel.is QRP RIG(s): TS-440S/turned-down, homebrow in making QRP Favorites: Experimenting+design, Backpacking, DX, Contests COMMENTS: New to QRP. Always looking for elegant+simple designs. Name: Ron Mills QTH:Houghton, MI (Upper Peninsula) Michigan Technological University Call:N8ZBL (Soon to be changed) Email:RSMILLS@mtu.edu QRP Rig:None Yet (Going to get MFJ 9140) Hobbies:Camping,Hiking,Fishing,HAM Radio (obviously!) Other: If anybody has suggestions about a good, innexpesive QRP rig, please let me know, I am a college student and funds are hard to come by. Also if you are HF active, give a call to W8YY, cw or voice, I might just respond. W8YY is the club station for the Husky Amatuer Radio Club (HARC). NAME: Leif J. Harcke CALL: N3EEN EMAIL: leif.j.harcke@jpl.nasa.gov QRP RIG(s): Breed 5W 20m kit; 20m dipole in trees QRP Favorites: building/modifying, wire antennas, contesting COMMENTS: newbie to QRP NAME: Larry East CALL: W1HUE QTH: Idaho Falls, ID EMAIL: lve@inel.gov QRP RIGS: HW-9, TenTec 509, FT-301 (variable power: <0.1w to 110w) INTERESTS: Building/modifying/experimenting, wire antennas, DX, contesting (sometimes...) COMMENTS: "Real QRPers don't use beam antennas" NAME: Rich Richmond CALL: N4AFX EMAIL: richmond@eosms.aa.wpafb.af.mil QRP RIG(s): Argo 509, ONER (80m), RadioKit 20M, LCK 40M (in progress) 4 Band vertical mounted on back yard chain link fence COMMENTS: I ve been off the air for a year or two, but the Dayton Hamvention and meeting with all of the QRPers there has reinspired me. I'll be working on getting the rust out of my CW. NAME: Bill Parmley CALL: KR8L EMAIL: wparmley@anl.gov RIGS: Argosy, HW-8, OHR Sprint (30m), HB TX (160m) QRP FAVORITES: Kits, Homebrew, DX, Wire Antennas, Portable Ops, Ragchewing COMMENTS: MI-QRP #M-98 (since 1980!) Just got back on 6m QRP -- looking forward to the summer Es season using 5w to a 250 ft. wire. NAME: Paul Valko CALL: WB8ZJL EMAIL: prvalko@vela.acs.oakland.edu QRP RIGS: TEN*TEC Power-Mite PM3A, Argonaut 505, MFJ-9040 Ten*Tec Corsair 1 (turned down) Heath HW-16 (30W) Dan's Kits and Small Parts - 20M QRP kit QRP Favorites: Cold, dark, winter nights... 40M doesn't get any better. COMMENTS: Ten*Tec fanatic, collector and consultant. NAME: Craig LaBarge CALL: WB3GCK EMAIL: cal@locke.ccil.org QRP RIGS: MFJ9030, Drake TR-4 (huh?), main antenna is my rainspout! QRP FAVORITES: Portable operation (so I don't have to use my rainspout!) COMMENTS: Amazing what you can do with so little... NAME: Gene Brigman CAll: KC4SA EMAIL: brigman@biol.scarolina.edu QRP RIG(S): HW-8, homebrew solid state, homebrew vacuum state (6L6) QRP FAVORITES: Burning solder, antennas & tuners NAME: Jim Smith CALL: N0OCT EMAIL: jimn0oct@aol.com QRP RIG(s): TenTec 509, homebrew, no kits (yet) QRP Favorites: building building building; antennas;contesting COMMENTS: relative newbie to QRP, not enough time to operate NAME: Bob Coakley CALL: KX1E EMAIL: coakley@usm.maine.edu QRP RIG: homebrew; dipoles NAME: Jon Iza CALL: EA2SN EMAIL: iapizloj@bi.ehu.es QRP RIG(s): Argonaut 515, HW-8, TS-50 just for listening; HF vertical QRP Favorites: After DXCCqrp in SSB, going for DXCC-CW, but milliwatting! COMMENTS: As they are so many bozos out there saying "life is too short for QRP" let's them spend money in big rigs, antennas and electric power. We'll be waiting for them at the other side... :-) :-) NAME: Joe Kennedy CALL: WQ6Q EMAIL: joe@hls.com QRP RIG(s): NC-40 QRP Favorites: kits, portable ops COMMENTS: a definite newbie to QRP NAME: Bob Cutter CALL: KI0G EMAIL: bcutter@csn.org RIGS: TwoFer, HW-9, PM3A, K9AY, IC-735 Favorites: 160, building,DX and contesting Comments: On since "Milliwatt". Ade Weiss W0RSP 526 N. Dakota St. Vermillion, SD 57069 "AWEISS@CHARLIE.USD.EDU" 1-605-624-8415 [no packet] NAME: Matthew Kastigar CALL: N0XEU EMAIL: M405142@decnet.mdcgwy.mdc.com QRP RIG(s): HW-8's (several), TTL homebrew, 6L6 homebrew, HW-7, TS-440s QRP FAVORITES: Field day, Sunday in the park with the HW-8 (mod'd) and a long wire COMMENTS: New to QRP, and old ham just getting back into it. Been in commercial radio for 20 years (WXRT Chicago, WEVL Memphis, KDHX St. Louis), Having fun with milliwatts.